Friday 25 September 2015

National holidays

I'm kind of on a tight spot with this particular post because it's been kind of a long time since my family has actually been in chile for the fiestas patrias. My mom is kind of a hipster so she usually takes her vacations on september instead of doing it in the summer, and so, the september holiday is more of a big trip opportunity rather than a national celebration for us. This year however we stayed here because she was sick, and i got to celebrate on my own, but i think it'd be a little lame to write about that when i'll have to record myself doing the same thing in a couple of days. 
In any case, there's a particular anecdote which i guess might serve the purpose of this assignment. It happened in school, when i was around 14 or 15 years old. We had this really great teacher who was in charge of our class, and she was really fun in a strict and intimidating way. For the last class of september she told all of us that we had to attend her class in China or Diablo de la tirana costumes, and whoever didn't would have to leave the classroom (keep in mind: this wasn't a school policy or anything, it was all her idea). So ok, we all got the costumes, changed clothes between classes, and showed up dressed up to hers, only to find that she was wearing her regular white lab coat just like any other day. We were all kinda pissed, and about to start complaining when she suddenly stops us, and just smirks to the whole class as she gets her purse (which was really big), while saying that we shouldn't get mad because her costume was right there. And what she pulled out of it was one of those huge realistic plastic horse masks that really look like they've got issues and she just put it on her head and started dancing cueca brava very menacingly at all of us (who were part terrified and part exploding with laughter). 
After the shock wore off she took the thing off and told us she'd brought empanadas for all of us so it was a pretty great deal overall. To this day all my friends still crack up about this because of how absurd and unexpected it was, but it's also definitely heartwarming to think about that teacher and how she went about her job with us.

(bad) photographic evidence of the event

Friday 4 September 2015

somewhere else

ok first off I think most people can agree that it is pretty difficult to choose just one place you'd like to visit. I believe people are curious by nature, and right now we live in a context that allows us to know so much, to grasp the idea of places we would have never heard of if it wasn't for the connections we've managed to make thanks to technology, that those natural urges induced by curiosity are inflamed even more. 
in accordance to that way of thinking, there are many places i'd like to meet, all of them very different from one another, which makes it really frustrating for me to find an answer to the questions posed (even more so because they look really simple).
i guess i will choose one based on how soon i think i might actually get to go, so i'll say Peru, since it's close by and it has an amazing culture to bask in. there are plenty of well known places to go marvel at, from Machu Picchu to the Gold Museum, and even more places to go eat to your heart's content. I would also love to explore the less known historical remnants of the Incan empire, as well as the art scene of the cities. However i don't think i'd stay there for a living, since it wouldn't feel as a challenge to my current views. If i were to choose a country to study or live at for some time, i'd prefer somewhere that has a world view very different to mine.

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