Friday 2 October 2015

how green me be

i feel pretty bad about this entry because i do right about nothing to help the planet in regard to the environmental issue affecting it :') i mean i pick up papers from the floor but that’s more about curiosity than actual concern about the earth so i don’t think it counts.
The thing is, i know about measures one could take to be greener and help with the problem, which I learnt about at school (not in actual classes, but clubs) and from the internet and tv mostly (shout out to juan carlos bodoque), but i don’t actually apply any of them. In my case it has to do mostly with laziness i suppose, like i know i could try to gather nice trash and take it to a recycling point or something like that, not that i know any near my home, but i just don't think about making the effort? Maybe if i were in charge of my own household i'd try to manage better in that aspect.
Also, i do feel a lot of respect for people who get themselves to care and act towards a gentler relationship with earth, however i can't shake the pessimistic thought that as long as the world is run with a capitalist structure there is little people can do to solve the problem. Like, you can care all you want, raise your own vegetables, recycle all your waste, make composts and plant trees and everything but, just by virtue of living in a certain space and consuming goods inside our society you are validating the process of abuse towards earth. we all are, and so, the green movement becomes more of a personal mindset (which i endorse!!) than an actual accomplishment, and just like any collective initiative that aims toward change, it invariably becomes a tool to the system, which readily promotes the idea of individuals being green on their own to divert the responsibility away from enterprises (there's also the issue of the green movement being aimed primarily towards high classes). More to the point though, and despite everything, i think there is a point in being green, because no matter why or how you are helping little by little, and i find that mindset to be really healthy, and just about what people need to be better.
Everything being said i still suck, because i've never joined any organizations out of sheer sloth, and in complete honesty i don't think i will in the near future. I guess i kinda symbolize what’s missing in our society :') :') :')
Even with my bleak outlook about the future of earth i still think many things can be done, and should be done, but being green and ignoring the political factor that determines the over-abuse of the environment is pretty much like being vegan without condemning all unethical consumerism so yeah. Maybe what we can do as a community is try to tie together both aspects of the problem and work on disassembling the power structures that allow such exploitation.

(yeah, right :’))


  1. at least you know there are things that needs to be done

  2. I think is very important to considered how the political factor is involved...

  3. I agree with you about all the industry process have a lot of bad practices to planet. Is very important to think about our consume-

  4. Don´t worry about that! you can help from now in what you want!

  5. At least you have conscience about the things that we can do! but everything counts, even small things!

  6. Believe me I am aware of the system we live in and how we are all responsible. However, I do believe we should do the little we can to make a difference. And this is a political decision. I often think, however, it is rather pointless considering the major damage industries cause on a daily basis :(
